Birthmark Creative concepts

Birthmark developed itself in 18 years from solely advertising to a 'libero' in the field of creative concepts and products. A broad portfolio with innovative product concepts, T.V. formats, POS material, promotional items and of course advertising forms the core of Birthmark.

Birthmark has a broad network with (international) specialists, suppliers and customers. This makes that, if the client wishes, the entire project can be taken out of their hands. So you as a client can keep focus on your daily priorities. Looking at your communication or assortment with a creative, independent mind means that your company gets inspired and profitable, essential for a successful business!

Birthmark is happy to be of service!

Mark Kooij

<h3 style="margin-top:0">owner / creative conteptor</h3>

owner / creative conteptor

Started his career as art director at RTL, then rolled into the advertising world where he was active as a creative-libero in various fields. On-line concepts, promotional items, interior design and product development, Mark has experience in all these areas. He has a broad experience in the communication and consumer products world and is also heavily interested in, and the implementation of new (technical / commercial) possibilities and perspectives. Mark has worked for brands such as Albert Heijn, Unilever, Grolsch, Pepsi, Boretti, Prins Petfoods, Volker Wessels, Coca Cola, Reaal, Philips, Callebaut, Volkswagen, Bavaria and Vedior.

Gerard A. van Ballegooijen

<h3 style="margin-top:0">business associate</h3>

business associate

For a number of years, Birthmark is successfully working together with Gerard van Ballegooijen. Gerard is a consultant with a long experience in international business. Both on client as well on supplier side. Active as a sourcing manager as well as export manager. Experienced with a wide range of product groups, creating product ranges and developing new and original products. 40 years’ experience in various organizations. From mail-order, department stores and DIY-markets to the buying side. Also, extensive experience as distributor/wholesaler on the -international- sales side. After a long career in different organizations, now active as consultant and promotor for new industries and promising new developments. Experienced in years, creative and young at heart in creating new chances. Birthmark is proud to be able to work with him.

You can contact Gerard via:

‘What people say’